Drug Law
Law Office of Roy Dominguez

Area of Practice

Indiana's drug laws are designed to address drug-related offenses with a focus on public safety and rehabilitation. The state's statutes outline a range of penalties for drug possession and dealing, reflecting the severity of the offense and the type of substance involved.


Indiana Drug Laws

At the Law Office of Roy Dominguez, our firm is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive legal services, including expert advice and representation in matters related to Indiana’s drug laws. Understanding these laws is crucial for protecting your rights and navigating the legal system effectively.

Types of Drug Offenses in Indiana
  • Possession

    • Simple possession
    • Possession with intent to distribute
    • Drug paraphernalia possession
  • Manufacturing and Cultivation

    • Manufacturing controlled substances
    • Cultivation of marijuana or other illegal plants
  • Distribution and Trafficking

    • Sale of controlled substances
    • Drug trafficking and transportation
  • Prescription Drug Fraud

    • Illegal possession of prescription drugs
    • Forging prescriptions
    • Doctor shopping
Controlled Substances Classification
  • Indiana classifies drugs into schedules based on their potential for abuse and medical use:

    • Schedule I: High potential for abuse, no accepted medical use (e.g., heroin, LSD)
    • Schedule II: High potential for abuse, some accepted medical use (e.g., cocaine, methamphetamine)
    • Schedule III: Moderate potential for abuse, accepted medical use (e.g., anabolic steroids, codeine)
    • Schedule IV: Low potential for abuse, accepted medical use (e.g., Xanax, Valium)
    • Schedule V: Lowest potential for abuse, accepted medical use (e.g., cough preparations with less than 200 milligrams of codeine)
Penalties for Drug Offenses
  • Penalties vary depending on the type and quantity of the drug, prior offenses, and other factors:

    • Possession:

      • Misdemeanor or felony charges
      • Fines ranging from $500 to $10,000
      • Jail or prison sentences from 60 days to 30 years
    • Manufacturing and Distribution:

      • Felony charges
      • Significant fines and long-term imprisonment
      • Enhanced penalties for distribution near schools or to minors
    • Prescription Drug Fraud:

      • Misdemeanor or felony charges
      • Fines and imprisonment
      • Potential for professional license revocation
Defenses to Drug Charges
  • Common defenses in drug cases may include:

    • Unlawful search and seizure
    • Lack of possession or knowledge
    • Entrapment
    • Insufficient evidence
    • Medical necessity (for certain cases involving marijuana)
Legal Assistance

If you are facing drug charges in Indiana, it is crucial to have experienced legal representation. The Law Office of Roy Dominguez is here to help you understand your rights and options. Contact us for a consultation.

Free Case Evaluation on Indiana Criminal Offenses

If you are charged in Indiana with a Criminal Offense, please contact us to find out what we can do to help. We will fight for you to reduce the charges, and protect your rights. Our firm is very experienced in Criminal Defense law. We can help you fight for your freedom and work to keep these life changing penalties to a minimum.